Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nine Days..


I cannot believe that our wedding is so close -- people keep reminding me of how close it is and I just am in shock! I keep thinking about next weekend and how I will be feeling... right now, it just seems as though it's all a bit unreal. I've been planning for nine months now and everything will finally come together in one day.

Though our lives haven't changed yet...

Matt is having major work stress (its lovely that the man is doing about three different jobs when he should be doing only one!) and will be traveling the week of our wedding. How brutal is that? I feel bad for him because I know how much he just wants to enjoy all of next week, but he will barely have time to! Boo to Coleman!

Anywho... a week from today the fun begins with all of my family getting into town and a few of my buddies. But before all of that can happen, we get to move Lauren into Kappa on Monday - not gonna lie, I'm super excited! I haven't been back to the house since I left my senior year... I'm excited for the smell. You know, the Kappa smell! :)

So, here's to hoping that everything goes smoothly from here on out.... I'm crossing fingers and toes!

1 comment:

Erin said...

So many comments about the "Kppa smell: going unsaid because:
1) I love you.
2) I actually totally get what you're saying...