Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good, Long Weekend

So I just rolled back into the office today after having been gone for four days. And the rest of the week will be fabulous because Cliff and Cris (coworker and boss) left at 10 this morning for Lincoln, Neb., for baseball regionals. So Allyson will be all by herself the rest of the week... YES!!!!!!!

Weekend in Review

-- Made it home late Friday night after having spent two miserable days at baseball games. I enjoy baseball, but I don't enjoy having to run a scoreboard for five-straight games. I was definitely on edge by 10 pm on Friday evening!

-- Lauren and I went to Wichita Saturday morning for my hair and makeup trial run. It went wonderfully! I was super happy with the way everything turned out and loved the stylist... she is going to kick back with us on the Big Day until the wedding starts to make sure everything is looking good! Can't wait!

-- We followed that up with a meeting to discuss the menu for the reception. The best story of the weekend came after we had finished our appointment. The coordinator at the country club told us to have lunch at the club on her... sweet! So she takes us into the dining room, tells the waiter to put our lunch on her tab, but says she has to run because she has a couple coming in from out of town that were doing a taste-test. So we sit down and wait on our menus. Instead, the waiter comes out and asks if we want our food all at once or in courses. Confused, we say whatever is easiest! So out comes our first course -- three different yummy salads. Next comes the second course - potatoes, risotto. Third course, green beans, pepper mixture and asparagus. Fourth course, yummy chicken and steak. After the fourth course, I happen to overhear the waiter talking to the coordinator, which sounded something like this:

-- Darian (coordinator): "They aren't here for the taste-test. That couple in the corner were the ones here for the taste-test. They weren't suppose to get that food!"
-- Waiter: "You never said that! I thought they were the ones here for the taste-test!"
-- Darian: "No! I just was letting them eat for free!"

I was told later that my eyes got REALLY big when I realized what had happened! We were not suppose to be eating the amazing food that was being brought out to us because that food was meant for the taste-testing people that were sitting directly behind us. Oh my gosh! I was so embarrassed! Though it was not our fault at all, I really just wanted to climb under the table and die!

We discussed our options on what the heck we should. Matt said wait until the waiter comes back out, we'll leave a tip and then go. I said we should just leave a tip now and get the heck out! Since it was taking the waiter a super long time to come back out, we opted for option 2, left the money, and scurried out as fast as possible! It ended up being a good story... and we had some great FREE food!

-- Had a cookout at the house on Sunday night with the Clark family (minus Patty). It was gorgeous outside so we hung out in the back and ate some delish corn on the cob!

-- Monday, I went out to the farm to eat lunch with Matt's grandparents and his grandpa's brother and sister in law. We always eat well out there and it is always followed up with a ping pong tournament between Matt, Michael and their dad. It's usually pretty entertaining because they are all pretty competitive!

-- Lastly, Matt and I decided (for sure) that we will be living in Wichita this next year and living in his house. It didn't take long to make this decision: "Matt, where are we going to live?" "I don't know, why don't we just live in my house. We can buy it." "OK, get it done." Something like that!

I took Tuesday off of work because mom and Lauren were coming to Tulsa. We had to take my wedding gown and Lauren's bridesmaid dress to the alterations lady as well as get mom's dress altered. It went quickly and everything should be done by the end of June (good timing since I'm leaving Tulsa June 30!). We also went to the mall and picked up dresses for my shower in Sedan on Saturday.

All in all, it was a great four-day weekend. I wish I had them more often! OH, and baby Stella will be here soon! Mama Meg thought she'd be making her debut this weekend but apparently it was false labor. How the heck are you suppose to know what labor feels like if you've never been through it before? And I digress...

This week: Sex and the City on Friday (I'm sure tears will be shed when its over because then its really over :(, wedding shower on Saturday! Can't wait!


Jenna said...

You are doing such a great job with the updates this month; I am loving it! My mom told me part of the country club story and the first thing I said (after I stopped laughing) is, "I bet Allyson almost died of embarrassment!"

Can't wait to see you in three days!!

Erin said...

I feel a little bad for the waiter...

I'll see you in 3 days too!!!

Thank you for an excuse to invade Bed Bath and Beyond tonight...if something for my house happens to fall in it will totally be an accident! :)