Matt & I spent New Years Eve in Kansas City with all of my good pals (minus a few important ones!). It was hosted by the Siders and we crammed as many people as we possibly could in every nook and cranny they had in their house! It was a great night, full of laughs (which always accompanies our large gatherings!) and lots of pictures!
Chad and Nicole rode up with us to KC so they got to trek along with us to Nebraska Furniture Mart this morning. I had never been there before so when we pulled up, I almost started hyperventilating - this place is gynormous!!! Seriously, it's absolutely huge and is full of anything and everything you could possibly ever need for your house!
We split up, Matt and I heading to the bedroom section, while Nic and Chad went on to the TV's. Matt and I decided we could have stayed there all day looking at everything!!! We checked out the bed we have been eyeing online and love it in person, too! We also tested a mattress that was on sale. So... we'll see! We know what we want, now we just need to buy it - which is always what takes us a year to accomplish! :)
Off to Sedan tomorrow after work for the Clark Christmas... and then Christmas is over for another year. I think it all went by a little too quickly!
Happy New Year to all of my blog followers... I hope 2009 brings you much joy and happiness!
Happy New Year!!
happy new year cuz!
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