How is it that I have been on the job hunt since July and had no nibbles and in the span of a week, I've had two (hopefully three) big bites?!! Everything happens all at once for me when it comes to jobs... so strange.
I have my second interview with Wichita Festivals on Friday. I had "homework" from them that I had to have completed by today at noon so I finished those up last night. I wanted so badly to have them in by Sunday, but even though it was just two questions, I wanted the answers to be perfect. I was about to email my responses back last night, but right before I sent them, I changed my mind on one of my answers and had to rework it. So I think that's a good sign ... I want the answers to be great because I'm really interested in this job.
Last night, I got an email from Tessa (Kappa sister!) about a job opportunity with Sullivan, Higdon and Sink (http://www.wehatesheep.com -- great website -- pretty funny and smart ass'ish, which is my kind of humor!) as a Team Coordinator. She gave me the email of one of the women at the company and I sent her my resume. I just got off the phone with her about 10 minutes ago and it went great! In the first three minutes of the conversation, after explaining how Tessa and I know each other, I discovered that she is a Kappa! She went to Texas Tech (which I won't hold that against her, no one is perfect!) and said she has forgotten how to do our 'secret handshake' and I said I've never been able to do it correctly so we can re-learn together (hello corny Allyson!). Anyway, she talked about the open position, the skills for the position (extremely high-level of organization -- me to a T, right?!) and the atmosphere of the company. I'm going to meet with her next Wednesday to tour the offices and meet with staff. We'll see how it goes!
So, like I said last week, things are starting to look up. I just hope that something works out so I can get back into the working world!
PS. Did I mention that the job at Sullivan, Higdon and Sink (otherwise known as SHS ----- Go Blue Devils!) is a 'jeans environment'... meaning very rarely will you see them in suits! My kind of place!
YAY! All three jobs sound so fun ... how exciting! Is this Tessa Bohn you are talking about??
Good luck Friday, can't wait for the weekend!
the ad company looks like a fun place...cool website. did you tell them you already have connections at coleman??? i have my fingers crossed for you....
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