Monday, September 22, 2008

Bad Blogger

What you would think is that since I still don't have a full time job, that I would have all the time in the world to blog. Well, that's partly true. I do have ehh.... some time in the world to blog. The problem is I have NOTHING to blog about! You'd think my life was over after the wedding, but that is far from true!

For instance, our photographer just posted our pictures online ... all 1,303 of them! Holy cow! Yes, it's alot of pictures, but I'd take a million of that day! I'll settle for over a thousand though! (If you want to see our pics, go to - click on events - go to the second page and click on Hills/Clark - event password is allyson)

Let me come up with some things to talk about...

I have been on the job hunt ... I've been on the job hunt since July but I'm really hunkering down now since I don't have a fun-filled wedding to plan. The job at the top of my list is at Bradley Paper - it's a sweet paper store (I'm a huge nerd) in Wichita. The job description is questionable, meaning I'm not quite sure how many people they are hiring, what all I would be doing,etc. But I went in and talked to the owner and then took in some of my work samples today. He said he will call by Wednesday -- so everyone cross your fingers! I'm not getting my hopes up because I know better than, but.... we shall see!

Umm... right this second, Matt is passed out on the couch and has not felt good all day. I also was not feeling especially well today, but he is worried that he has flu-like symptoms. Ick!!! But because he wanted to make himself think he was OK, we went to Best Buy to get surround sound speakers (SUCH a guy thing because he asked me what I liked and the one I liked was the cute one - other than that, I do note care!) and he had to go out to the car and sit because he was feeling like crap. Guess who got to carry the surround sound out????!

This weekend is Jolly's bachelorette party which should be a grand time! There will be a great group of us there so I'm excited! This is also the Sigma Nu reunion weekend so my mom wants me, Jord and Lauren to meet alot of dad's buddies in college as well as her buddies. And to top that, we are celebrating Josh graduating from K-State! So it will be a packed, fun weekend!

Last but not least ... we are getting REAL TV Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, we cannot wait! All channels, movie channels, AND all of the great shows start this week: Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and next week, Private Practice. Life is good!

Have a good week before my birthday! :)

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