Some good news came yesterday when Matt got us signed up for TV and internet --- Alleluiah and Amen! And we're getting all for only $11 a month - Matt is a finagler so I'm glad that he was the one to go and get it set up. I am officially out of the stone age on Wednesday and I can't wait! I will be coming to you from the comforts of my home again after the honeymoon ...
Speaking of honeymoon, that begins in a week and a day, but first comes my wedding which is in six days, which is preceded by my rehearsal dinner and bridesmaids luncheon in five days and a BBQ/Ice cream social in four days. Wow. It's all really here! I think now is the time to explain my giddyness for the upcoming weekend:
I am very giddy! :) I've been dreaming of this time in my life since I fell in love with my favorite movie 'Father of the Bride' -- which is the reason I am having a string quartet at the ceremony! (If only I could get them to play the quiet background music during the vows like they do in the movie... ) I think I just got very lucky that my 'Brian McKenzie' just happens to be my best friend.
Matt and I have been through alot in our seven years and seven months (to the date on our wedding day!)... many people get big eyes and drop the jaw when we say how long we have been together. Most days, it doesn't seem like it has been that long (but obviously, there are those days when it seems like 35 years!).
Sometimes I love to sit and daydream about our past (I have alot of time on my hands!) -- there was the time when we were forced to become friends in high school when we were placed in the same reading period, which later wasn't so forced... There was the semester that we were in Spanish class together and I despised him because he was such a smart ass and quite the charmer (just had to shine his pearly whites at anyone and most would drop!)... There was the day that he graduated high school and I wasn't sure how to exist without him (and a few special other people!) in my life... Then came the day when my pal Dusty and I visited him and Beckley in Wichita my senior year, which is when I realized that he could be more than a friend... Then there was the night that he was a home and a group of us went to see a movie in Bartlesville -- we talked the entire night, had the 'butterfly touches' (you know, those touches that are not suppose to mean much, but leave butterflies in your stomach!), and realized on the car ride home that something was happening ... and wondered what we were to tell Michael (Matt's brother -- who was also my good pal!).
Since then, we have stumbled and gotten back up. We have laughed until our stomachs hurt and cried until there were no more tears. Somedays, I just want to hug him and never let him go, other days he drives me crazy (he is a man!)... but the way that I know that we were meant for each other is this look that I get from him -- today at church, we were stuck in the VERY, VERY, VERY back of the church in seats that had to be brought in for us (we weren't even late, but seriously there were about 500 people at church!). I was just sitting there, going over everything that is happening this week and slightly stressing, when he taps me. I can feel him staring at me and I look up at him -- he is grinning (damn those blue eyes and that perfect smile!) and says, "We'll be married in six days!" Though I usually remind him daily about how many days until the 'Big Day', I hadn't reminded him today that in less than a week, we'll be a family.
All it took was the look and the smile... I guess that is all it has ever really took!
So well said.
Love you both & can't wait!
I'm so glad you found that special someone and that our family gets it enjoy more time with him also! Can't wait to see you guys Thurs! XOXO Aunt Lori.
awww! you are such a sweetheart. matt's a lucky boy :)
It's love! I am packing right now! So much fun to be had this weekend.
Yay!! I can't wait for the Clark/Hills nuptials!! I wish that your lives (and dinner table) are full of wood chips and pasta and powerdered sugar donuts for dessert....even though you claim you don't eat them anymore.... Love you!
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