Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Addison Taylor Cross ... Jenny and Shawn's newest addition to their family! She was born this afternoon at 2:24 (from what I have learned in the past week, mom's give EXACT times!) pm (mountain time) and is adorable - as you can see from the picture... and I mean seriously, did we really think this child would be anything other than that? Check out her mom! :)
My favorite email of the day was from Meg:
"Addison Taylor (I'm assuming that's the spelling...but I could be wrong.....) She was born this afternoon...probably around 3:30ish.... She was 8lbs and some ounces...not sure about length...I would assume pretty long! :)
Shawn said she's awesome, and Jenny's doing well!
Sorry I didn't get better details but I'll send pics if/when I get them...."
There seems to be a whole lot of assuming going on there, Meg!
It's nice to finally know baby Addison's name since Jenny and Shawn kept it a secret for nine months much to the dismay of many, including moi. I'm so happy she is finally here... how exciting it will be to watch my friend be a mama!
Addison's birth caps the end of a pretty great week... Stella came into the world at the beginning of the week and Addison brought her on home Sunday. If only Big Brown had won the Triple Crown.... :)
Cheers to the new mama's and their precious babies... can't wait until August to pack a church with many, many newborns!
Picture: Mama J and Baby Addison ... Courtesy of Beckman Productions
1 comment:
Thanks for copying and pasting my e-mail! ha! I was assuming -and in this case, I assumed right - I was talking Central time -they were talking mountain time....
And I had the spelling correct...haha!
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