Weekend Six of Traveling
This weekend, I made a return trip to Wichita on Friday night (but first made a pit stop in Sedan to pick up my passport - WORST picture ever! Not sure if they will let me into ANY country with this picture!). Made it to Wichita by 8ish, ate dinner and then proceeded to go to Old Chicago to meet up with Brad, his fiance Liz, the Yaeger's and Teddy Ted. We had a few drinks... enough for me to start talking non-stop to Liz and Sarah. Good times... I believe I invited Sarah to my bachelorette party! She has a one-year-old so any excuse to leave the baby with his father is good enough for her! :) Jenna &/or Abby, I'll get with you guys on this one! :)
Saturday, Matt and I got up (slowly) and drove up to Manhattan for the annual Tailgate (and spring game)! There were some interesting characters that made an appearance at the tailgate - one male in particular that arrived wearing a woman's v-neck sleeveless top with a vest circa 1993. Interesting is the only word I have for him. OH, and inappropriate. The things he was saying near my dad's ear was just wrong!
Mr. Bob (Jord's dog) also got to come to the tailgate. I'm telling you... that dog is a chick magnet for my brother! My mom and I walked him around for awhile and every three feet someone else was stopping us to play with him!
Eventually, we made it into the game -- which the final score ended up being 3-0. Wow. GREAT game. But seriously, does anyone REALLY go for the game? And what spring game is ever a good game (with the exception of Notre Dame's spring game this year -- there was a brawl on the field between players. Go Catholics! Way to make us proud!)?
Met up with Kappa's later that night... but since I'm old, I can barely make it past midnight so I said my hello's and probably 30 minutes later, said my goodbye's! I would feel bad, but we are all going to see each other every other weekend this summer because of the large amount of weddings we will be attending (including my own!).
Sunday, Matt and I had planned on going to look at houses in Wichita. That plan fell through when the one house we wanted to see was not having an open house! So... instead, I went out to the antique mall to browse. In the midst of my browsing, I came upon 10 vases that I had been searching EVERYWHERE for for the reception! I picked those up for $25 total and will have to return to do another search for more of those vases. I couldn't believe that I never thought about a place like that to look for these vases!
And again, I made the smart decision to stay in Wichita Sunday night and get up at SUPER early and start back to Tulsa for work at 9. How I haven't fallen asleep at the wheel yet is unknown to me!
SO... that was my weekend. It was a good one... never long enough, as usual!
Next weekend is: Weekend Seven of Traveling - Denver edition. I'll be making my way out Saturday morning - after a thrilling Friday evening at TU's KKG Formal - for Jenny's baby shower/BBQ! I'll be sure to get a picture of her and her belly... you won't believe it!
If it makes you feel any better, my passport picture is absolutely terrible as well. I mean horrible!
So you're looking at houses in Wichita???
Friend, you need a nap.
At least gas is cheap
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