I was never much of a talk radio kind of gal, so having to listen to sports radio when all they would talk about are NFL and NBA player's whose names I had never heard sounded overly boring. Although my master's is in sports administration and my life basically revolves around sports because of work, I'm really only a high school and college athletics kind of gal. I pass when it comes to the pro's.
But when I moved to Wichita two years ago, my spin on talk radio changed. I was introduced to 'Sports Daily', a daily radio show hosted by Bruce Haertl, a local TV sports anchor, and Bob Lutz, a sports columnist from the Wichita Eagle. What partially made them fun to listen to is the fights that they would constantly get into with each other over certain topics, partially the times that they would make fun of listeners, partially because Bruce helped with radio at K-State games, partially because they would give shout outs to us in the sports information department and make fun of Larry on air, and partially because I had gotten to know both of them through working at Wichita State.
Every day, I would go into work, turn on the radio to their show, and at 11 a.m. when it was over, the TV was turned on so I could avoid listening to Jim Rhome. But since moving to Oklahoma, I have missed out on my favorite sports talk show. Instead, I'm forced to listen to the 'Sports Animal'... and all they talk about is TU and OU... and I don't care! What is worse is that 'Sports Daily' doesn't have their show broadcasted live on the Internet like most normal stations. They do have Podcasts, but I had thought that they only uploaded them once a week -- and why would I want to hear about news that happened a week ago?
But luckily for me, my friend Jordan informed me yesterday that they upload them every afternoon so I can once again start listening to my favorite sports radio talk show.
Now, if I could only come up with something clever to say so I could call in to the show to bag on Bob.
Oh Bob ...
you don't like Jim Traber?
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