Well, I'm not gonna lie. I kept my mouth shut until the final minute of the game. I refused to blurt out anything related to the beating of the Jayhawks until I really felt it in my bones! And with a minute left, I was finally able to scream, jump up and down... and probably force Cliff to get a warning note on his door today from the management at his apartment for the loud and obnoxious yelling coming from his third-floor apartment.
But I did not care. I would have streaked the streets (if I was that kind of person). I would have wrote on every facebook wall of every KU person that has no valid reason to be a KU person about the game (if I was that kind of person). I would have worn my purple jumpsuit and a Wildcat tattoo on my face to work today (if I was that kind of person). But because I am not that kind of person (or don't have the guts to be that kind of person), I will just write about the greatest feeling in the world on my blog. Because it's my blog and I can do what I want!
So the best day of my life was on Dec. 6, 2003 in Kansas City, Mo., at Arrowhead Stadium when K-State beat OU in the Big 12 Championship game. It was wonderful because no one thought we had a chance. Even when the game was two-minute away from being over, the Sooner band kept playing Boomer Sooner because they didn't know what else to do! I just remember standing there and thinking, "HOLY SHIT! This is for real!"
Well, that was the same feeling I had last night. I just stood there... wishing I was actually there. That's why it is the second best day of my life - since I wasn't physically there witnessing it like I was the football game. Last night's win was a feeling that is hard to describe... its relief, excitement, rage, and blurry bliss all mixed into one!
I will never forget it. Nor will anyone else that was there witnessing it or those witnessing it from afar... K-State beat KU in Bramlage. The end.