In life, you have those people that are your go-to people in certain situations. For instance, if I want truthful fashion advice, I call my mother (not sure if most people do that!). For a good laugh, I call my brother or my cousin. For a dose of what college life was like, I call my sister. For a great listener, I call my dad. And for good, truthful advice, I call my best friend.
What makes this best friend of mine so amazing is that I know I can tell her something that I'm worried about or what is bothering me and she can ask me questions that make me think about the bigger picture. I like to see myself as a person that can see an issue from different viewpoints... except when the issue is myself!
As an example... Today, I told my best friend about Matt's latest idea for our lives (he has many and they change daily!). He has wanted to go back to school to get his master's for awhile - this has always been a constant! But the question had always been where to go and when to do it? When I first moved to Tulsa, the plan was for him to move down here next summer and find a job and possibly go to school at ORU. Well, now that this school is one lawsuit away from the loony bin, he has moved on from that idea! His latest thought has been to go back to school at Wichita State. It would be free (paid for by Coleman) and somehow, someway, they do have a good business school... amazing, I know! So... that means that if I could find a job in Wichita, I would move back next summer... if this is what he decides to do.
Truthfully, I don't have many issues with moving back to Wichita. I love Wichita! I actually miss it... its one of those places that you can't wait to leave, but once you do, you can't wait to get back! Not sure why...
Anyway, my main concern with this is what will people think of me packing up and going back to Wichita? Do I look like a big loser that can't stay in a job for longer than a year and can't stay away from Wichita for longer than a year AND can't live without her boyfriend?! These were the questions that I posed to my best friend and this was her question to me: Who exactly do I think all of this looks bad to? Probably (hopefully) people you care about the most only want what’s best for you/you&Matt … The other people probably don’t matter that much, right?
The basic answer to both of those questions is that it shouldn't matter what others think... I should do what is best for me and what is best for me&Matt. It's a hard thing to learn, though. Obviously, I haven't learned it yet! It's hard to do what is best for yourself when you are a people-pleaser.
But I like her way of thinking... and once again, she made me look at the bigger picture. Now what seemed like a scary idea doesn't seem so scary anymore...
What a gal! :)
That is one smart cookie - that is exactly what I would have said.
(but probably not as succintly as I am sure Erin would tell you)
Al, I would only think...how exciting! She's back in KS!! Perhaps we can see each other more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, that's pretty much how I would have said it...
I know her too. She is one. (a smart cookie)
I am a little behind in checking my favorite blog (which makes me a bad friend, which probably makes you take back this whole post). Anyway, I have about a million more good pieces of advice to give, as well as hours of listening and calming and providing comic relief ... before I can catch up to you! (Example = Saturday night.) Thank you: you're the best!
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