Friday, October 12, 2007

A Day in the Life of a Sick Person...

After my four hour stay in the hospital yesterday, I'm really contemplating if having children is an option anymore. How do women actually lay in those beds, hooked up to 10 different monitors, for sometimes up to 48 hours? I could barely stand it for four!!!

Yes, I was in the hospital yesterday. I woke up at 2 a.m. with a bad case of heartburn that by 7 a.m. when I finally called my boss to take me to the hospital was hurting so bad I could barely speak (those that know me realize this is hard for me to do!).

They hooked me up to different monitors, started an IV, took a chest and stomach x-ray and did an EKG. Its so much fun that they do all of that to find out that nothing is wrong with me... though I know something is because I have this piercing pain in my chest!

While in Vegas last weekend (that was the surprise to my mom for her 50th birthday!), I got really sick one night and was never able to really recover from it. Pretty nauseous all week.. not even pasta sounds good to me, which is a food group to me and is basically all I eat! I had gotten better and was atleast able to eat sandwiches. But now, I'm back to not being able to eat anything... not because I'm not hungry and not because nothing sounds good. I'm starving, actually. But I'm afraid to eat because I just don't want to end up back at the hospital!

So... they concluded that I had Acid Reflux and a urinary tract infection. I'm taking three different medicines to cure this problem and they better work! I'm missing my sister's initiation into Kappa this weekend which pisses me off more than anything in the world. I made the decision that I have to have a daughter (which goes against my first paragraph) someday so I can atleast force her to be a Kappa and take her through initiation!

All in all, I'm still alive... and I hate hospitals!


Anonymous said...

Oh Al!! I heard you were sick but I didn't realize the extent of it.... I hope you're doing better now -hospitals are awful!! (did they have Cerner?? :) I had to ask) Anyway - I'm sorry you had to miss initiation...and I hope you're back to good....

TransplantedOkie said...

Good Lord! I am so sorry that I am just now finding out abut this! Hope you are feeling better - and I want to hear ALL about the Vegas trip!