Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Birthday Weekend....

As many know, my birthday is probably my favorite day of the year. It's in a tie with Christmas (which is probably not a good thing to say out loud or to even think!).

This year, my birthday was on a Sunday... for future reference, Sunday birthdays aren't so much fun. Saturday birthdays are the best! I guess you could say that we really celebrated my birthday on Saturday. My fam + Matt but - Jord all came down. My mom and I wreaked havoc on Woodland Hills Mall then went back to my apartment to watch the K-State/Texas football game. And what a game it was...

I felt very confident about the Cats chances in Austin, but I felt it not safe to speak out about those feelings because, as we all know, I have bad luck and I knew the second I said anything, I would jinx their chances! So instead of me saying anything, my brother felt the need to tell anyone and everyone that we were going to win by two touchdowns. I warned him... be careful who you say that to. You'll never hear the end of it if it doesn't turn out the way we hope...

Well, he called after the game to say, "I TOLD YOU SO!"

It ended up being a great day for football by 10 pm that night. Many ranked teams fell and the Cats jumped into the polls for the first time in a few years. A very nice feeling...

Now its on to KU... I will not spill my feelings on this game, but just let me say that I REALLY hope we cream them by 40 or more points because I'm SO tired of hearing about them. The announcers for the K-State game this past weekend actually said out loud that the K-State/KU game was going to be more exciting than the OU/Texas game. Gimme a break!

Anyway... good birthday. New purse. New clothes. New fan... from Matt (yes, a VERY random gift, but to be fair, it is a cool looking fan...but that's about all I'm going to say about that gift!).

This Sunday is my mom's big 5-0... we have a big surprise for her, but I'll keep that quiet until AFTER it happens. That lady is Sneaky Sneakerson and probably reads this blog religiously, but acts like she doesn't even know I have one!


TransplantedOkie said...

Happy belated birthday Big A1! That K-State Game was the perfect gift!

K said...

40 points huh?