It looks like I'm never going to get rid of it. The only thing that I am truly lucky on (other than having wonderful friends, family, blessed life, cute dog, etc.) is finding great parking spots.
Traveled with the ORU volleyball team to Little Rock, Ark., to play UALR (you must call them that - not University of Arkansas- Little Rock - they don't like that!). Last time I went with the volleyball team to Fayetteville, Ark., we lost. This time, we drove four hours... and lost in FIVE games. That's a long trip to take to come so close to winning only to lose and have to drive four hours back home. And they were so close the whole time, which is what is really frustrating!
Well... maybe I'm just bad luck in ARKANSAS! We have our first home game this weekend so I guess we'll see if I am banished from watching them play ever again after Saturday!
(Picture is from this weekend at the best tailgate ever, but most boring game ever as well! Lauren is continuing to love college. If you have facebook and have her as your friend, you'll see that that is all the child talks about!)
Call me crazy, but with that long list of "good luck" things, the rest doesn't really matter :)
(Oh, and what is Matt doing in the background of that pic? Smelling his fingers??) ha!
Cute pic of you and Lauren...and Matt does look like he is either smelling his fingers or doing some weird mime thing.
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