What a long week... It seems like forever ago when I actually went through Recruitment, so I forget how long the week is. I remember how exhausting it was on the other side since that was a little more recent... but geezmaneez! It took what seemed like forever for me to find out that Lauren... is a KAPPA!
She loved Kappa all week and felt very comfortable and at home there. There was no pressure from moi... by the time it was all over, I just wanted her in a house and happy!
This morning, as I was waiting eagerly for the telephone call, I got an instant message from my best bud Nicole, telling me her sister had just called and was a Kappa -- I then started freaking since I hadn't heard from Lauren yet! Fifteen minutes later, she calls...
Its amazing what a week does to a person. She was SO excited... Lauren Hills... excited! It's funny... I don't think many thought she would really get into all of this, but she did. She has already purchased her first Kappa stuff -- and has her first Kappa t-shirt (first of 2,648). She is definitely a tired girl because the week is stressful, long, and full of non-stop smiling. I'm not sure if I'll get many smiles out of her when I help move her up to Manhattan this weekend.
So... she's a Kappa. I can't wait to share the many, many things that there are to share about Kappa -- I know the next four years of her life are going to be filled with so much and I'm glad that we will have this special bond together.
Anyone else think that summer has went by at warp speed?
Congrats to Lauren!
I think you are off on the T-shirt count by several dozen or so...
I'm glad she will have Nicole's sister to hang out with! I remember feeling totally lost the first few weeks.
As I said when she picked up the phone yesterday ... "HI SISTER!" I'm extremely excited and proud of her already. What a week, but HOORAY!
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