The trip began around 1:45 pm on Friday afternoon. We had already started with a little drama because my dear father decided he wanted to take his truck on a nine-hour trek to Texas, rather than take the comfy Envoy.
This did not put him in any sort of distress because him and my mom would be the ones that had the nice leg room and seats that reclined in the front, while my poor sister and I were cramped in the back seats, trying to find a way to make it nine hours in a backseat the size of an ottoman.
About five minutes into the trip, we were all yelling at each other (yelling in a very funny way, not really a mad yell!), mainly because my dad drives at the pace of a turtle! And when you have a super long ride ahead of you, you want someone behind the wheel that wants to put the pedal to the metal!
The ride went pretty smoothly once we were 10 minutes away from Sedan (except my mom forgot the directions to the lakehouse in Austin - only a slight importance!) and 10 hours later, we walked into my aunt and uncle's lakehouse.
When we arrived, the only ones up were Meg, aunt Sherron and beautiful baby Stella! But then out came Seth and uncle Steve and cutie patootie baby luke was asleep in his crib in the family room. (Sidenote: Luke can sleep through anything! Its like he knew what kind of family he was being born into and came out with earplugs!)My mom immediately took over Stella, while the rest of us unpacked the car (surprise, surprise!).
The rest of the weekend was spent holding babies, being entertained by my 2-year-old cousin Annie (she loves to dance so friends, we will definitely have to bring out the dance party at my wedding for her!), holding babies, swimming, feeding babies, wakeboarding, breaking the boat, watching others change babies, and eating and drinking (and holding babies).
The 2-year-old and under crowd (and their parents!) left by Sunday evening, which left the 50-year-old and older crowd (plus Lauren and I) at the lake... it got alot more quiet, but it was definitely not a bore as my uncle Steve is a great story teller. Our dinner on Monday night consisted of listening to him and aunt Sherron talk about their kids - Seth and his challenge with directions; Meg and her challenge with keeping her cars in tact! :) God love em' both!
I know I say this quite alot, but I don't think it can ever really be said enough: I am the luckiest gal in the world. Not many people in this world have the type of relationship that my family (immediate and extended) has together. A laugh, a smile and a hug are always right around the corner when we're all together and many times I sit around and think that life can't get much better than this! I can't wait for Matt to become a legal part of this clan and someday, have and raise kids to be as happy and loving as my cousins are!
We take off tomorrow morning and then I'm back to Wichita tomorrow night - Matt just got back from his bachelor party in Vegas this afternoon, but takes off for a work trip on Wednesday. He had a good time on his trip... but I was very disappointed in the lack of text messages and voicemails declaring his undying love and devotion to me! All I got from him was "This club is tight...". Who cares! I want to know that you can't to marry me! :)
This weekend I'm off to Lincoln for my final wedding of the summer before my own - I love five-hour car rides by myself! Matt is staying back to work on the house... one can only hope that he has a fence put up, weeds pulled, the landscaping looking pristine and dinner cooked for me when I get home.
I think I might be asking for too much... :)
Picture 1: Annie sharing her friends, Plum and Blue Dog, with Stella - see her?!
Picture 2: The precious crew - Stella, Luke and Annie!
Picture 3: Me feeding Stella Rose!
Picture 4: Me attempting wakeboarding!
Picture 5: Lauren, Nate, Meg, Dad, Mom, Me and uncle Steve, in Luckenbach, Texas