This past weekend, I made my fifth trip in six weekends to the lovely and humid Houston, Texas for my cousin Megan's baby shower. I'm sure most families wouldn't spend $150 on a plane ticket for a two-hour shower for a cousin... but again, my family is different!
It was a very fun and relaxing weekend ... and full of the usual amount of laughter that accompanies any Houston trip. This time though, I found myself laughing more at the child of the one that I'm usually laughing at.
Seth's little girl, Annie, will turn two in May and can I just say... she was pure entertainment the entire trip! Even when she's pissed, it's funny! The child definitely has her father's sense of humor, but her mama's good looks! :) She's adorable and it always makes me sad to have to leave and not see her for another three-four months.
Most trips to Houston are filled with shopping, eating, shopping and more shopping. But this one seemed to be a bit different. There was plenty of eating and there was shopping, but when you have two very pregnant women with you, the shopping excursions have to be cut in half because they get tired pretty quickly!
Sunday was Meg's baby shower and she definitely loaded up! As usual, I played my role. This time I was the trash picker-upper. I sat on the floor and watched Meg open her gifts and then usually waited for Michelle to give the explanation of what it was to be used for (to both me and Megan!).
There is so much stuff out there for babies now... I mean there are about 20 different kinds of blankets you have to have, an exer-saucer, a swing, a highchair, a pack-n-play, a crib, two different kinds of strollers, bouncers, car seats, car seat bases, baby monitors, etc. I'm telling you... you need 1,328 things to just have a child! Needless to say, I will be putting this off for a few years... so I think.
Anywho, it was a great weekend. It was fun to see the pregnant gals -- next time I see them, they will have new additions to our ever-growing family.
Stella and Luke... prepare yourselves now and enjoy the peace in quiet you have in the womb while you still can!