What is the world (or the state of Oklahoma) coming to??? :)
NORMAN -- The University of Oklahoma is disciplining the OU spirit group the RUF-NEKS for violating the student code of conduct.
OU said in a release Wednesday that the discipline includes banning current members of the RUF-NEK group from participating in official university events.
OU’s Office of Judicial Services began investigating the group after getting information the group hazed and mistreated pledges and misused alcohol at club events during the current semester.
OU says the hazing included sleep deprivation, physical exhaustion, demeaning actions, and the potential for physical harm.
OU says RUF-NEK pledges and former pledges will be allowed to continue with the group through the end of the football season.
The group will then be reorganized during spring and placed under the direction of the athletic department.
The RUF-NEKS are known for driving the Sooner Schooner and firing shotguns during football games.
OU President David Boren says RUF-NEK alumni will help drive the Sooner Schooner for the rest of the football season and the current and former pledges will be given an opportunity to fire the shotguns.
PS. I'm still cheering for the Boomer Sooners when they play OSU this year... I hope they beat them by a million, trillion points.
PPS. Not even kidding that when I typed in 'RUF-NEKS' in google images, this picture is what popped up!