It is Thursday, May 31 at 11:20 a.m., and I am sitting in the WSU Media Relations myself. Everyone else is at Eck Stadium, preparing for baseball regionals that start tomorrow. I guess this is the sign that I really am done.
It's kind of hard to tear myself away from something that has been my life for the past two years. I even came in to the office yesterday, with the mindset that I had one thing I came to do. Instead, I stay until 1:30ish, helping them get the odds-and-ends things done for regionals. It's hard to let the feeling that they don't need me anymore sink in.
I guess this is the point where they become my friends, rather than my coworkers. Geez, you'd think that someone was dying by how I'm reacting to this! But I'm not big on change -- and basically the past month of my life has forced me to do just that.
I am excited for the next step in my life, I think I'm prepared for it. But then again, I keep coming in to the office when I'm done working here.
I'm bad at letting go.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
My Personal Hell...

As many have learned, I am not the biggest track fan in the world. I have grown accustomed to it over the past two years since my job revolves around it, but it still is not my favorite sport in the world.
So, it is inevitable that I would be the one put in charge of state track, the largest track meet in the nation.
Last year was my first year to be apart of this spectacle and I learned quickly how large this thing really is. After one year, I decided that it was my version of hell.
Eight to ten-year-old workers, oldest (and smelliest) pressbox in the world, grumpy newspaper writers...and now, to add to that fun stuff, the broken elevator. I'm not sure if any of you have seen Cessna Stadium, where the meet is held, but it is very, very large and very, very steep. So, now that the elevator is broken, everyone that wants to be in the pressbox must take the hike up the stadium stairs, and through the pressbox stairs (that has dead birds in the corridors and smells like urine) to get to the pressbox. It two words, IT BLOWS.
But this is how I will end my two years at Wichita State...state track, dead birds, urine and broken elevators.
What a way to go, eh?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Ending of an Era: part Deux...

I know on a previous blog, I talked about the SCBL basketball tournament and me and Jordan's travels to it, being our last. This weekend, another chapter ends in our family and another one begins.
My little sister Lauren is graduating.
About 15 minutes ago, she pulled up from her last day of high school. I started clapping, she smiled, then got a little sad. I did not for I am holding in all of my tears for Saturday. I think only one box of Kleenex will be needed, atleast I hope only one box!
It's hard to believe how fast time has gone by. It seems like only weeks ago that Lauren came into this world! I was six at the time and remember the day quite well, actually. I knew something strange was going on when I walked into my parents room and my granmda was asleep in the bed rather than my mom and dad!
Since then, Lauren has went from being a baby who frequently scared the sh*t out of my mom (she had meningitis as a little, little baby), to the shy, quiet little girl who wouldn't leave my mom's side and whose best pal was Mrs. Doty, to the "I'm too cool for school" teenager who always wanted to go out to Jenna's with me when I went (and I always said no!), but still never left my mom's side, to a beautiful, 18 year old high school graduate, who is a social butterfly, still hangs out with Mrs. Doty and who is far from being by my mother's side all the time (I'm not sure if my mom could tell you the last time Lauren was around for more than five minutes at a time!).
Although she is my little sister and still at times drives me crazy, I am not sure if I could be more proud of someone. As I have said before, her and my brother are at the top of my list when it comes to favorite people. They both have genuine hearts and are just fun people to be around.
So...the days of three Hills' kids walking the halls of Sedan High School are over. My parents constant worrying is slightly over...we just need to get Lauren through her first semester of college!
Cheers to all of those who are graduating or have graduated...and to those that remember the day like it was yesterday!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Decisions, decisions...
After alot of tears (because I like to cry alot), I finally decided on my future.
Life throws you alot of curveballs...apparently, one knocked me straight south because I have decided to take the job at Oral Roberts. I am very excited, very nervous, very curious...and ofcourse very sad to be leaving what has become home to me. My coworkers were all excited for my news...and probably happy I wasn't going to their nemesis (well, atleast Jordan's) Illinois State.
Matt and I talked last night about what we want for our future and finally, it all came down to my gut feeling. After I left Tulsa last Monday, I knew that it would be tough for anyone to compete with them. They resemble what I have become so used to in Wichita and if that is the type of environment I work best in, why would I go somewhere that I don't feel comfortable at?
So now it's time to start looking for a place to live. I've done a little research on townhomes in the south Tulsa and Jenks areas. I'm very tired of apartment living and would love my own space...with a yard, so when Matt and Wrigley come visit, Wrigley will have a place to run around! I found a place in Jenks, but know that I just need to get down there and start driving around to look for places.
I can't really believe that in less than a month, I will be in Tulsa, at a new job and in a new environment. I only hope that the rest of the puzzle pieces to my life will start to fall in place.
I'm pretty confident that they will!
Life throws you alot of curveballs...apparently, one knocked me straight south because I have decided to take the job at Oral Roberts. I am very excited, very nervous, very curious...and ofcourse very sad to be leaving what has become home to me. My coworkers were all excited for my news...and probably happy I wasn't going to their nemesis (well, atleast Jordan's) Illinois State.
Matt and I talked last night about what we want for our future and finally, it all came down to my gut feeling. After I left Tulsa last Monday, I knew that it would be tough for anyone to compete with them. They resemble what I have become so used to in Wichita and if that is the type of environment I work best in, why would I go somewhere that I don't feel comfortable at?
So now it's time to start looking for a place to live. I've done a little research on townhomes in the south Tulsa and Jenks areas. I'm very tired of apartment living and would love my own space...with a yard, so when Matt and Wrigley come visit, Wrigley will have a place to run around! I found a place in Jenks, but know that I just need to get down there and start driving around to look for places.
I can't really believe that in less than a month, I will be in Tulsa, at a new job and in a new environment. I only hope that the rest of the puzzle pieces to my life will start to fall in place.
I'm pretty confident that they will!
Monday, May 14, 2007
I hate airports...

I know that hate is a strong word and it should really never be used, but it must be used in this case.
I, Allyson Jane Hills, hate, loathe and despise airports. In the last week, I have flown twice in the last week and both times have been worst-case scenarios (exception to crashes--that really would be the worst-case scenario). Last week, on my home from San Francisco, at the mid-way point in Dallas, my flight was to take off at 9 p.m. Good thing that I went and checked the schedule because it turned to CANCELLED. Now, let's all take a look back at the past two years of my life, reflect on how much money I don't make, and think if Allyson had enough money to pay for a hotel, a shuttle or cab ride to the hotel and then a shuttle or cab ride BACK to the airport. This is a big, fat no. And since airlines don't help pay for hotels that are "weather" related (I quote unquote because there was nothing wrong with the weather.), I was screwed. Finally, after taking a $20 shuttle ride all around the Fort Worth area, I decided I would just stay at the airport. Yet, I still had to pay my $20 shuttle fee. Slept in the airport. It sucked. The end...or so I thought!
Today, I got to the Normal airport early. Go to the the United Airlines line, and it is a mile long, which I was told was unusual in that airport. I wait and wait...and wait, finally get to the ticket counter and the obnoxious worker tells me that my flight is delayed until 5:30 (it was currently 3 p.m. and I was to leave at 4:08). Fine, I say, as long as I don't miss my connecting flight from Chicago to Wichita. "Oh, you'll be fine!", the obnoxious worker says. Sure...we don't end up leaving until 6 p.m. Get to Chicago. Flight, that was to leave at 7:55, is delayed until 9:30. Here we go!
My mom told me that there is no way that I can end up sleeping in the airport twice in one week.
She doesn't remember that my string of good luck lasted for only one night.
Will Allyson get to Wichita tonight? Or will she spend yet another night in an airport....stay tuned!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
10 days later...

Sorry for my lack of posting for the past week and a half. Needless to say, I have been a busy girl!
First off, I have to say.... I'm DONE WITH SCHOOL! It's so great to get to say that and truly mean it. But ofcourse there is the other side to that -- getting a job, which is what has consumed for the past week and a half. Let me give you a recap:
Last Monday, I was in Tulsa at Oral Roberts University and loved it! I felt very comfortable with the staff there and feel that I could fit in very well. The area that ORU is in is a great spot and it's not too far from home, as in only an hour and a half away. I was actually offered the job on Thursday and I am to let them know by Tuesday what I'm leaning towards.
Wednesday, I was in San Francisco. Beautiful! Gorgeous! Tons to do! EXPENSIVE! FAR AWAY! I really did love San Fran and the people in the Pac-10 office. Everyone was very friendly and had nothing but good things to say about the area, other than the priceyness (is that word?!) of it. I was offered this position on Friday and have to let them know Tuesday what I'm leaning towards.
Saturday, I graduated! It was such a great day. I was surrounded by my favorite people (other than my friends that could not attend) with my entire family being there, Jenna, her parents, and Josh, Matt and his family, my buddies Jordan and Tomarra (and T doggs flame, Mark), Kristen, her hubby and baby Zoe (who was SUCH a good baby the entire night!). We had so much fun, ate alot of food, drank alot of beer (except for Jordan, who arrived with his vanilla vodka!) and just enjoyed one another's company. I couldn't have asked for a better day, just wish I wouldn't have had to write a track story! So is my life...
And now, I'm in Bloomington/Normal, Illinois. I just wrapped up dinner with Todd Kober, the sports information director at Illinois State and his family. He has two children: Anna who is 2 and Halas who is 4 months old. I had a great time with them and really enjoyed dinner and getting to meet and hang out with the kiddos! Tomorrow I meet with a load of different people, including my uncle Woody's college buddy, Sheahon Zenger, who is the AD here at Illinois State. I'm excited to get a tour of the area and very nervous about falling in love with it. I hate making decisions and I'm scared I'm going to have to make a tough one within 24 hours.
So....this has been my life since last week. It's been a whirlwind and at 9:30 tomorrow night, when I am back in Wichita, I will be the happiest girl in the world! This week will also be crazy, but LOTS of fun with the entire fam coming in for Lauren's graduation, which is a whole 'nother post!
Happy Sunday!
PS. The picture is Reggie Redbird, Illinois State's mascot. 'Ol Reg!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Here We Go...
Today starts the beginning of what seems to be a very crazy weekend.
I have a phone interview today at 4 p.m. (yes, it's 3:08 and I'm typing a blog, way to prepare, Allyson!) with Illinois State. I wasn't too nervous until about 2 minutes ago. I have my list of questions and my resume in front of me so hopefully I will know what the hell I am talking about..when talking about myself! Then I go pick up my car that I dropped off earlier today. I will now have air conditioning, which was a must for the rest of my weekend.
Tomorrow, I drive to Kansas City to have a spectacular weekend with Jenna, my friends and family. Jenna's first bridal shower is on Saturday at 2. I can't wait! Steph has allowed all of us to come over and take over her house for the shower. There will be good food and good friends, what else can you ask for! That night, Jenna and I and our moms plan to have a girls night. I am hoping my sister will dismiss the idea of a fishing trip over Jenna's shower and if so, she will be joining us. You never know what is going through her head though, so who knows where she will end up!
Sunday will wrap up the weekend in KC. I will make the trek to Sedan for the second time in a week. Because....
Monday, I will be in Tulsa for "A Day at ORU". Basically, I am meeting lots and lots of people that work at ORU, eating lunch with some people, meeting more people and getting a tour of Tulsa. I'm excited about this trip...and nervous as well. This is the one that I have to wear a suit to and for those that I had to talk on the phone to during the process of buying the suit, understand how UNexcited I am about wearing the suit. I am not a suit person, nor will I ever be a suit person. I am JCrew. I don't know what that means, but that's what I am and I'm sticking to it!
So...that is from now until Monday what my life will be like. A little hectic, a little crazy, a lot of driving...but all worth it!
I have a phone interview today at 4 p.m. (yes, it's 3:08 and I'm typing a blog, way to prepare, Allyson!) with Illinois State. I wasn't too nervous until about 2 minutes ago. I have my list of questions and my resume in front of me so hopefully I will know what the hell I am talking about..when talking about myself! Then I go pick up my car that I dropped off earlier today. I will now have air conditioning, which was a must for the rest of my weekend.
Tomorrow, I drive to Kansas City to have a spectacular weekend with Jenna, my friends and family. Jenna's first bridal shower is on Saturday at 2. I can't wait! Steph has allowed all of us to come over and take over her house for the shower. There will be good food and good friends, what else can you ask for! That night, Jenna and I and our moms plan to have a girls night. I am hoping my sister will dismiss the idea of a fishing trip over Jenna's shower and if so, she will be joining us. You never know what is going through her head though, so who knows where she will end up!
Sunday will wrap up the weekend in KC. I will make the trek to Sedan for the second time in a week. Because....
Monday, I will be in Tulsa for "A Day at ORU". Basically, I am meeting lots and lots of people that work at ORU, eating lunch with some people, meeting more people and getting a tour of Tulsa. I'm excited about this trip...and nervous as well. This is the one that I have to wear a suit to and for those that I had to talk on the phone to during the process of buying the suit, understand how UNexcited I am about wearing the suit. I am not a suit person, nor will I ever be a suit person. I am JCrew. I don't know what that means, but that's what I am and I'm sticking to it!
So...that is from now until Monday what my life will be like. A little hectic, a little crazy, a lot of driving...but all worth it!
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